A weekend in Sydney

In October last year some photographers in Australia talked about meeting up in sydney in November, i was just about to finish exams and i was like i CANNOT miss out on this. So i booked flights down and decided i was going to stay with the amazing Kiara Rose who i've become so close with over the past year. I was so excited that we were finally going to meet!

I finished exams and before i knew it i was on the plane leaving the hot humid darwin for beautiful Sydney! Kiara, her mum and little brother picked me up and we went to maccas for breaky!

First picture with Kiara!

 Then we drove to their beautiful house and i settled in to my new bed for the weekend (which was a tent) and went and took some piccys! Kiara has this awesome field at the back of her property which has sheep in it! That is also where we got some of the bones, and we also found a whole sheep leg. was a bit gross. 

Ring of bones, promise we're not witches.

'we're all just flesh and bone'
the skull Kiara is holding was sent to her by Sarah Ann Loreth! 
We then went and edited, watched virgin suicides and then i fell asleep (was so tired from the flight). when i woke up it was raining to much to sleep in the tent so we went inside and played scrabble and got ourselves ready for the meetup the day after!

We got dropped off at Julia Trottis house, picked up Jessica Christie and Caitlin worthington from the train station and then drove to where we were meeting Christian and Alex Benetel! We arived at a beautiful nature reserve near a lake (i think thats what it was) We all began walking around looking for locations. At first we all didn't know what to shoot, we were all a bit hesitant to ask each other to model, but then we got into the groove, we began doing what we love. Below are a few images i took on the day.

some instagram pics from the day!
We finally had to say goodbye, Christian and Alex got picked up (but i was going to see them the next day) and we dropped Caitlin and Jess of at the train station! (Jess and i were flying home together though)

Meeting people who share the same love for something you do is truly amazing. I lookup to each one of these beautiful people and so hope we get to see each other again in the future. below is a short video Julia shot of the day! ignore my giggling in it!

Kiara and i arrived home and decided to do one last shoot before i went home the next day. 

Outtake of the image below

'woman in black'
This photograph had been in the back of my mind since i wanted the movie and read the book. 

The next morning Kiara and I said our goodbyes, which was sad. Meeting someone who you get along with so well and instantly connect with makes my heart so happy. I have so much love for this girl and i know we will see each other again. 

the wanderer | part ii

Models: Dana @Kiss and Kennedy 

Woooo finally released all the photos from the Lilya shoot! was so blessed to be able to have used their beautiful clothes! thankyou sooo much Lilya! also a big thanks to my mum who drove us everywhere. Also thankyou Dana and Kennedy, im so lucky to have met 2 beautiful models and made 2 new friends!

the wanderer | part i

 Part i of ii
Dana, Kennedy, my Mum and I spent the afternoon chasing light and trying to look cold in 35 degree weather for Lilya's '13 Winter campaign. 

copyright Asher Lilley // Site Design by Catherine Marsh